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2 Monate vorher
I like Alex very much!!! I"d love to meet him!!! I"d love to do and share lots of things man to man with him!!! He"s quite a stunning man to man inspiration on me too!!!
2 Monate vorher
"Medium" GTF!
6 Monate vorher
Sorry guys, he is completely straight. Only likes woman....said he is not into guys whatsoever.
7 Monate vorher
He"s so beautiful ❤️😍 I dreamed of him multiple times I would like to be everything he needs 🥹
11 Monate vorher
11 Monate vorher
1 vor einem Jahr
damn - I want him to fuck a guy RAW
1 vor einem Jahr
If that tool is a "medium" I would shudder to think what "large" would be!
1 vor einem Jahr
muy sexi.....deberia hacer pornogay ... con twinks bien blancos ....quedaria bien frente a las camaras
1 vor einem Jahr
Alex is one beautiful man. Literally, he is blessed with beauty from head to toe. His huge feet are beautiful. Damn, that"s a lot of beauty. Can"t find a flaw. It"s not fair that he gets to have that dick and balls package, too. 😂
1 vor einem Jahr
That looks more like BIG especially when he would get rock hard!
1 vor einem Jahr
Please! Please! Please! Put that big brown dick in somebody"s ass!
1 vor einem Jahr
Perfect 🤤😍👃👣
2 Jahre vorher
Penis size "medium"??? Please. They don"t come much bigger. Try "huge". He"s 6" 5" and it still looks huge on him.
2 Jahre vorher
More please. He"s done over 100 Solos (and counting).
2 Jahre vorher
HOT, sexy Latino ... erect rock hard!