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Hace 2 meses
- ❤️ ... Pure Beauty !!! ... // ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ .
Hace 2 meses
Hot stud with gorgeous feet.
Hace 3 meses
How about a creamy neopolitan w/ a hot ginger & black?
Hace 6 meses
I like Dane.!!! I"d love to meet him!!! I like his body and his dong!!!
Hace 1 año
Hawt to watch him: Twink to Twunk and DILF. Mmmm.....
Hace 1 año
He never fails to gt a nut out of me. Such a beautiful hole, ass, face, body, package.
Hace 1 año
Hace 1 año
I marvel at how guys like Dane can have sex with a boy and the same time. I"ve seen him in scenes where he"s eating a pussy while fucking a bussy. And/or sucking a dick while fucking a gal. It"s very hot and yet, I marvel at his ability!
Hace 1 año
I want to flip fuck with him til our assholes catch fire. He is absurdly cute and effortlessly sexy. He has that certain something. The guys who have sex with heem seem to be very satisfied afterwards. Dane is very very hot.
Hace 1 año
Dane is the first CF boy in ages to make a lasting impression in the league of Connor and Lucas and the original CF studs. Top or bottom - he REALLY loves his work
Hace 1 año
One of the great Corbin Fisher superstars. I’ve dumped gallons of cum jacking off to his enthusiastic fucking.
Hace 2 años
Dane is a new discovery for me, although I know he is not a beginner at all. In his twinky years he was a MARVEL.
Hace 2 años
[UPDATED] Exclusive: Corbin Fisher’s Dane Arrested For Leaving Scene Of Multi-Car Accident That Caused Death
Hace 2 años
When Dane was a teen he was a real hottie. His versatility was obvious and he could as easily top or bottom. He was able to dominate bigger and older guys which was a prediction that more years in porn was a sure thing. He also gave me the impression that he was straight and his gay work was an act that he put everything into. In this sense, Dane is an honest-to-goodness performer. He will make some girl a happy husband and become a father too.
Hace 4 años
I too wasn't sure about Dane but think his cock is close to perfection- perfect girth and thickness with a beautiful head! Also nice abs! He can be better at pumping but that will get better probably!!