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2 years ago
Very cute, and a beautiful cock. I love watching him fuck.
2 years ago
Gotta love a boy who knows how to drink piss!
5 years ago
Ya I fucked him. He went home with me. A little weed, a little booze, and a pack of smokes and he"ll give you a great night. We were to my place by about midnight and then fucked four times between midnight and sunrise. Then we crashed. He"s awesome. And actually very sweet as well.
5 years ago
Mipe623: How was he? What did you do?
5 years ago
Mipe623: You actually fucked him?
5 years ago
I"ve seen this guy out and about. Met him several times. Super cute and a real flirt. He used to bum cigarettes from me all the time. Alas, I quit smoking some time ago so that lure has been lost, but I"d still fuck him again if he wanted it.
6 years ago
I don"t think he always tops, saw him bottom in one scene